Anviz EP300 Basic Guide (Applicable to W1 Pro): Add User

To read the full guide with pictures, click here: Anviz EP300 Basic Guide


  1. On the Main screen, press 2 (or use the Left/IN and OUT/Right to navigate to User and press OK).


  1. On the User screen, press 1 (or use the Left/IN and OUT/Right to navigate to Add and press OK).


  1. Input the new user’s ID. Ensure that it does not exist as having an existing ID in this field will not allow you to complete the user adding process. Press OK when finished to proceed.


  1. Input the new user’s name. The FN button will allow for more advanced input such as letters and special characters (see Advanced Input). Press OK when finished to proceed.


  1. Input the new user’s password. This field can only contain numbers. Press OK when finished to proceed. You may press OK a second time to proceed further as this guide does not cover card usage. NOTE: This step is optional. A password is not mandatory.


  1. Choose your new user’s shift hours (see Set Work Shifts). Press Left/IN and OUT/Right to cycle through available shifts. Press OK when finished to proceed.


  1. Choose whether your new user will be a regular user or an admin (see Admin Levels). Press Left/IN and OUT/Right to cycle through types. Press OK when finished to proceed.


  1. Press OK to enroll new user’s fingerprints (see Enroll User Fingerprints). Press M/Back when finished to go back to the Add screen. Press OUT/Right when finished to proceed.


  1. Press OK to choose the new user’s verification mode (see Verification Modes). To change verification mode, press OK to disable System default (see Default Verification Modes). Press Left/IN and OUT/Right to cycle through verification modes and press OK to enable or disable them. Press M/Back when finished to leave the verification mode screen, then press M/Back again to leave the Add screen. The new user has been added.