
Think Twice, Not Twice as Hard

Explore the potential of PayMaster

Adaptable templates

The system is designed to be more adaptable and meet your payroll requirements.  

Self-service management

Employees can use the device's browser to apply for overtime and leave on their own account.  

Complete HR Management

Hassle free for HR to manage your employees’ payroll and data.  

Modest corporate settings and guidelines

Individual or general settings for overtime, night differential, incentive leave, and holiday pay rates are available.

Flexible employee schedules

Choose a time that fits your employee's work schedule.  

Separate computation for 13th month pay

Generate the 13th month's pay, which includes the history of salary increases.  

Mobile App Integration

Real-time tracking with geolocation and selfie logins are new features to add to the payroll system.  

Free Maintenance


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