Basic Guide To Getting Monthly Attendance Hours Using CrossChex Standard

To read the full guide with pictures, click here: Basic Guide To Getting Monthly Attendance Hours Using CrossChex Standard


NOTE: This guide assumes that you have already exported records from your Anviz device to CrossChex Standard. If you have not yet performed this required procedure, visit the following link to check the guide:


Getting Monthly Attendance Hours


1. Open CrossChex Standard. You may log in with just username “ADMIN” and no password.


2. From the tabs at the uppermost region of the window, click Attendance.


3. Set the Begin Date and the End Date as the span of time from which you will create a monthly attendance report from.


4. Click Statistical Analysis to retrieve all records between the Begin Date and the End Date, including records on the first and last date.


5. When prompted, click Yes to continue.


6. Wait for the progress bar to finish, then click Close.


7. Click Report Preview to drop down more options.


8. From the options, click Monthly Attendance Hours.


9. You can now view the Monthly Attendance Report.